We also don't have room for the old boat... but the engine is shot and would cost more than it is worth to repair... that leaves the boat trailer... but what do we need with a boat trailer?!!
We left it at the repair shop and are trying to decide how to procede.
TENDER MERCY #2: I won tickets to: Stadium of Fire!
On the radio while driving home, I called KNRS AM570 and won two tickets to Stadium of Fire this year! It's at Provo on Independence day and includes the Beach Boys! It will be fabulous! I need to remember to bring ear plugs, though... Don't want to damage my delicate and aged ears!
It actually was a "Tender Mercy" because I had just had a very bad day at work and was in tears on the way home. What a nice surprise!
TENDER MERCY #3: Bountiful Baskets!!!
Dave and I have been enjoying green shakes, and realized that buying the extra fruits and veggies is expensive. Lisa and Barbie had been enjoying Bountiful Baskets, but they have a lot of mouths to feed, so I didn't think Dave and I would be able to use all of that food.... but with the new green smoothies... it is PERFECT!
$15 for the following:
2 pineapples
2 celery
1 romaine lettuce
1 butternut squash
2 yellow onions 2 bags of Bing cherries
1 bag of green seedless grapes
4 green bell peppers
1 cantalope
1 pkg grape tomatoes
I can hear the blender going already....Yummmy!
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