Saturday, May 26, 2012

Memorial Day is a Day to Remember...

Remembering those who have gone before...
Those who have sacrificed for me...
Those who look to my example...
Those who are waiting for their turn on earth...

Remembering means contemplating...
It means feeling grateful...
It means giving back...
It means recommitting...

Remembering... and "Re"-membering again and again.
More than flags and flowers.
More than a day of family fun.
More. Yes, more.

Thank you!!

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Royal Treatment

What if I said you could wear royal robes, have people ready to serve you at the push of a button, meals brought to you in bed, for an entire week!... David has been getting this royal treatment, but it has been far from fun!
Dave had part of his colon removed. It kept getting infected. I have hated to see him suffer with medicinal reactions, sticks, confusion, and the pains of trying to recover. I feel the strength from so many prayers in our behalf. It's been very difficult at times, but I have increased faith and hope that everything will be alright.