Lurlynn won some free tickets to the Stadium of Fire in Provo for Independence Day. What a wonderful experience! There was a prayer, the colors were brought in, we said the pledge and then we all sang “The Star Spangled Banner.” I don’t know how many thousands of people were there singing, but as we sang, “… and the rocket’s red glare…” up shot some red lights with a cloudy mist trailing behind them. “… the bombs bursting in air…” Boom! Boom! Boom!
As we continued to sing, “…Oh say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave…” Just then, right on key and in tight formation, a squadron of fighter jets streamed directly overhead as we sang, “o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!”
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I was moved to tears because of the emotions welling up inside. The freedoms I cherish have been paid for with a terrible price… much like the Atonement. To take them for granted is like not appreciating our God-given gift of agency.

Hundreds of girls danced on the field in choreographed routines. It was fun. Brought back memories of high school.
We drove up Little Cottonwood Canyon and found a cute little parade going on there. We walked on the boardwalk of Silver Lake. Then we joined Francine and family for a BBQ before heading for Provo.
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