Monday, February 1, 2010

Water for Haiti = Living Water for Us

What a glorious day! We just got word that all of the supplies for the people of Haiti to have 200 million gallons of clean water will be shipped this week! We have been working with congressmen, military generals, international charitable organizations, Church Humanitarian Services, the United Nations and the Red Cross to get the supplies gathered, paid for, and shipped. With the help of the Lord, we were able to find the connections to make this happen.

What started out last week as a small idea, blossomed into an amazing garden with a spring of clear, living water.

Dave has worked tirelessly on this project. Our friends have been invaluable. We now have connections wherein we might be able to help others with desperate need for clean water.

Educating people about clean water has been a project of ours for 5 years. Now the Lord has made that knowledge and drive help serve His purposes.
To be continued. . .