Sunday, January 22, 2012

"Michael" means "One Who is Like God."

I was asked to speak in Sacrament Meeting today and to share things about Michael serving a mission. I chose to share his testimony from his e-mails. It was very powerful.
I began by saying that it's nice to see Michael grow and learn and become more like God... like the meaning of his name.
I also told about the tornadoes, about one of his companions being taken away at gunpoint, about the investigator they blessed whose large tumor was completely gone when he went in to the next Dr. appointment.
I shared some of the insites Michael shared in his letters, and one of the letters I received from a family there about the impact he is making on people's lives there.
I could have easily spoken for 20 minutes, but there were other people on the stand waiting their turns.

It's also been great to hear that he is using magic and music in his work. It's also fun to glimpse his sense of humor; although I didn't tell them about the pictures below that Michael sent me...

Well, that's my son..... :) Super!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Good Things to Remember!

I am grateful for a selective memory!
Sometimes familial hurts pop back into my mind, but I refuse to entertain them there.
Time goes by too fast to waste one moment thinking anything but thoughts of praise to God, and love for His children!

One of those wonderful moments was today. Chloe Katherine Potter was blessed in Provo. Those there were: Patty and Robert Caegle; Rob, Julie, Chloe, Julia, Lisa, Ruby, Laura, Ally, Norah, John, Kathy, Lila, Mia, Vaughn, Adam, Robbie, Katie, Madalyn, Barbie, Yilka, Matt, Me, Emma, Kristina, Sarah, Matthew, Dave, Mary; Shay, Nick, Reagan, Ken and Tammy Hansen. (Becca and William were there for the blessing, but had to leave before the picture.)

I wrote out the blessing... it was truly beautiful! How wonderful it was for Dave to stand in the circle with his brother-in-law, nephew, and sons to participate in such a sweet ordinance.

Dave has not been feeling well, so I was particularly glad that he felt well enough to be there.

One other sweet thing happened... A granddaughter that doesn't know who I am came up to me and introduced herself. "Hi. I'm Ally!" I smiled and said, "I know. They call me Grandma Lynn." I proceded to look for gum in my purse for another granddaughter. When I could not find any, I drew out a couple of shiny "magic pennies" and distributed them instead. It was truly a magical moment for me.

Welcome sweet little one. I'm Grandma Lynn, and I am one of many who love you!

Welcome to the family Chloe! You have so many people that love you!

Julie looks so good after having a C-Section only 10 days ago!

Shay, Nick, Ken and Tammy. We love them so much! It was great to see them!

Emma and Grandma Lynn chatting about how wonderful her blanky is!

Yep. Emma Grace Potter loves her blanky!

Little Lila Zollinger is growing so fast! She is already 18 months old!

Matthew's teeth keep falling out! What are we going to do with him!

Vaugh breaks out with a hug for Robbie! Reagan, Emma and a friend are just about to join in!

Ally is explaining the game to Mia and Emma.

Robbie and Vaughn have tireless energy as they circle a tree in the chasing game.

Sarah, Ally, Mia, Mary and Norah are enjoying cousin-time.

Matthew is teasing Vaughn by asking him to look at something on the ground.

Aunt Tammy listens intently to Matthew.

It looks like soccer helped Mary and Tyndale be fast runners!

It's great to have family around, but I think it's time to go home now...

Friday, January 13, 2012

Anybody Want a Slightly-used Beautiful House?

It's an old story, but we're still trying to sell our house. We really need to live in a house with single-level living. Financial analysis also makes it better for us to sell now and get into a less expensive house (little smaller) rather than just re-financing until later when we'd have to move into a rambler anyway.

We've been praying for the Lord to send a buyer for years. His timing is always very different than ours. Learning patience..... still.....

I love this house! So many good memories.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Yesterday is History. Tomorrow is a Mystery. Today is a Gift... That's Why It is Called the "PRESENT!"

That silly saying from Kung Fu Panda has stuck with me!
I've been dismayed for some time now about how quickly time passes. When I do not set goals to measure my progress and growth, I feel as though I am standing still; and the swoosh in front of my face is my life passing by!

I will be 50 this year, so I've been noticing how much time in mortality I have left. I find myself asking questions like:
  • Have I left behind a legacy of love?
  • Has anyone been affected for the good by anything I have done?
  • How have I used my gifts and talents to bless others?
  • Have I made the best use of the time I have been given?
  • What could I have done better?
  • Have I made the Lord central to it all?
  • What would He want me to do with the future time He will give me?
We went to John and Lisa's church today after ours so we could see them speak in Sacrament Meeting, and help with the kids.

Lisa was amazing! She left me determined and confident that I can succeed in progressing in one more way toward what the Lord has in mind for me. She opened the scriptures to us all about the rich man who came running to the Lord and asked Him what he needed to do to obtain Eternal Life. She pointed out that the Lord looked upon this man who had been obedient all of his life, but who would walk away, with genuine love. She shared some of her soul, and I love her even more because of it!

John's talk was wonderful! I felt throughout it, as he spoke of council from the apostles, that "them that be with me are more than them that be with the adversary." The sense that I will have heavenly help with any righteous goals I attain unto was very real. He reminded us of the message Joseph Smith gave to Brigham Young after his death, "Tell them to be humble and faithful, and to keep the Spirit of the Lord with them always..."

That is simple and clear. Sounds alot like what Pres. Uchtdorf is always saying about simplifying our lives.

Time is precious. I feel very blessed to have been given so much of it. I plan to use that with which I am entrusted more wisely.