Actually, it was a big deal for me. I have only sewn a few things in my life, and the patterns usually say "EASY" on the front.
Christine's choir is sponsoring a "Lover's Feast" where they dress up as 16th century personas and wait on tables in character. A 7 course meal and entertainment is the order of the day.
Well, Christine's costume for the event was falling apart. She asked me if I would make her a new one. "Okay," I said. "Of course!"
Well, the pattern didn't make sense, so I altered it so it would.
They turned out pretty well if I do say so myself. (They look even better on the girls.)

I made one for Christine and one for her friend who also needed a dress. The instructions from the teacher was that they have alternating materials which matched each other.
So... the moral of the story is... Only say "yes" if you are willing to bomb.
Only say "no" if you are too afraid to try.