This is our Christmas letter. I didn't mention the death of my Brother earlier this year, but you can read about that in my post named "Facing the Veil."
Merry Christmas 2008!!
What a wonderful time of year,
When Christmas carols fill the air;
Warm apple pie, loved ones near by,
Happiness seems easier to find.
The joy of giving is the art of living,
The gifts from the heart live on.
Each heart overflowing, love ever growing
Giving God soul, heart and mind.
We just wanted to take a moment at this special time of year to let you know we love all of you. This year we’ve been abundantly blessed. In August, we were sealed for time and eternity in the Jordan River Temple in Salt Lake. Though most of our family is scattered all over the country, many were able to join us for this special occasion.

Our hearts are also full as we think about our family with all of their joys and struggles. We ever pray for them to be comforted by the Spirit, to grow in testimony and faith, and to feel the love of their Savior in their lives.
Here are some brief updates on our family:
• Dave works for Wells Fargo Bank as a project manager. Dave is currently serving in the ward as a family history consultant, choir pianist, building scheduler, and unemployment specialist.
• Lurlynn works for Bard Access Systems as an upper-level administrative assistant. She is currently the ward choir director and family history consultant.
• Kristina (32) is living in Phoenix and travels the world with her company teaching English as a second language.
• Jenny (31) lives in SLC and is working for a microbiology company.
• Barbie (29) and Matt live in Columbus, Ohio where he is going to Ohio State University. They have a set of twin girls and two boys and another girl due in January.
• John (27) graduated from NYU law school, passed the California bar and is now living and working in the San Francisco area.
• Rob (26) & Julie live in Provo. He graduated from BYU in Business this year and is working full time in American Fork and is a member of the bishopric. They have a little boy, Robbie, and just told us that they were expecting another child sometime in July/August.
• Geoffrey (25) lives and works Rawlins, Wyoming.
• Katie (24) & Adam live in Salt Lake and have a little boy and girl.
• Danny (23) and his wife, Katie live in Orlando, Florida. His band went on tour around the country this year.
• Steven (22) returned from a mission in France and is working in Kaysville.
• David (22), Becca (21), and Julia(19) are all attending BYU down in Provo. David is now the elder’s quorum president in his ward.
• Michelle (20) lives and works in Orlando, Florida along with Danny.
• Laura (18) is a senior at Brighton High School and sings in the school choirs. Christmas is a busy time!
• Mike (17) is a senior at Davis High in Kaysville and is also in the school choirs; lots of performances too!
• Christine (15) is a sophomore at Davis High. She is in the school orchestra and recently performed in the pit orchestra for her school musical.
• Dave’s mom, Dorothy suffered a series of strokes and is now living back in West Virginia in an assisted living center near Denise, Dave’s sister. Dave’ step mother, Francine is doing great. We had Thanksgiving dinner at her house with 35 relatives. Lurlynn’s dad, Earl and stepmother, Ireta, and her mom, Marilyn and stepfather, Norm, and are also doing well but unfortunately all live out of town so it hard to see them.
Some of our activities this year included trips back east to attend John’s graduation and to see Dave’s mom and Barbie and her family. We went to New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Niagara Falls, The Sacred Grove, Columbus/Kirtland Ohio and Parkersburg, West Virginia. Some of the trips with the kids included going to Disneyland, white-water rafting down the Snake River, and Yellowstone National Park. What a great year!!
Join us for additional updates and pictures on our family blog: http://lurlynnsmusic.blogspot.com
Love, Dave and Lurlynn Potter
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