What is going on in this world?!!!
The Middle East is flying apart like a shark feeding frenzy! Who put the blood in the water?
Beginning on September 11th, 11 years since radical Islamist extremists hijacked and flew commercial airlines into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon in the name of Allah, American Embassy's across the region are all being violently attacked. (Morocco, Tunic, Yemen, Cairo, Libya, Gaza, Iraq, Iran) Crowds with fire and bombs have been pulling our flags down, killing our ambassadors and officers, and chanting Osama Bin Laden.
The Muslim Brotherhood (a known terrorist organization) is reported to be orchestrating and encouraging all of this.
Media and political figures are acting like a disrupted hornets nest and attacking each other with finger-pointing, blame and name calling.
The polarization of the political parties is like nothing I've ever seen before... but then, again, I was too little during the 60's to watch us go from Leave it to Beaver to Woodstock within 10 years! Those days must have felt like they were falling apart as well for my parents.
I am reminded of the prophetic descriptions of our day found in the Book of Mormon. We were actually reading In Alma chapter 43 the Nephites defend their homes, liberties, families, and religion against the blood-thirsty Lamanite. Not only themselves, but the Ammonites who had previously been savage Lamanites, but who had repented and were afraid to take up arms, even in defense of themselves because of the depths of their previous wickedness. They were afraid their forgiveness would not stand if they killed again.
In the battle, the Lamanites, who did not have superior weaponry and armor began to be defeated by the Nephites. The Lamanites were stirred up to anger by the Anti-Nephi-Lehites who were against the Nephites and used to be numbered among them, but became their enemies and were using the Lamanites to their advantage and purposes of revenge.
Interesting parallels.
The instability of the political, economical, ecological world we live in is only now beginning to catch up with the moral decay that has been a malignant cancer.
We need to stand firm as we stand vigilant guard. The war is more than just fire and bombs... it's a continuation of the War in Heaven.
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