If President Barack Husein Obama is re-elected, it will be a very dark day for this country. I am afraid for us if he is. We are so far in debt (16 Trillion) and spiraling down. Our Constitution is truly hanging by a thread as prophesied. The family is under attack by the adversary. The Democratic Party is adding abortion rights masked as "women's health issues" to their platform. Gay marriage is legalized in many states. Our literal core freedoms are in danger. His healthcare program borrowed money from our parent's future Medicare promise to pay for a new system of entitlements and taxes that we didn't want in the first place!
The housing crisis and world financial credit rating plummeting, and lack of leadership is unbearable. And to hear him tell small business owners that they didn't build that, that the government did it by providing roads and internet. Economics is a delicate balance that is fed by the passion of the entrepreneur and the American Dream.
Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan must win the election or America will die as we know it. I will mourn heavily if they do not win. A defining responsibility of government is to encourage and stand out of the way of progress. Being part of the problem or being part of the solution is the real choice here. Behind every small business is a great story. A family story. One, I hope with a happy ending.

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