Aubrey had a baby shower.
Christine was inducted into the National Honor Society.
Busy week.
Its hard to believe it has been 23 years! I remember it like yesterday! This cute little red headed 7 pound 11 ounce baby was placed into my arms. The Dr didn't make it, a nurse had to catch him!
I remember him being SOOO excited to come into this world, that not only did he deliver fast, but he let me know he felt that excitement before I even knew he was coming.
23 years! I was 25 years old when I had him. He was my 4th boy, and boy oh boy was he a boy! Mischievous, smart, cute, and fearless. He had no fear of heights and was always climbing. The top of the refridgerator, the top of the door jams, the top of the swing-set, and the tree tops were his favorite places! Playing with hotwheel cars in the dirt as well as taking things apart and putting them back together were also skills he enjoyed developing. His creativity has always been boundless.
His artistic way of thinking outside of the box has helped him solve problems all of his life.
Stevo is a joy and a blessing to me.
His sweet bride, Aubrey, is the mother of my grandchild - Ariana Jean Warren, who will be arriving in two weeks. Her baby shower was sweet. It was nice to see all of the cute outfits and gifts from people who also care about them.
Christine was so beautiful as she gracefully walked across the stage to be congratulated and inducted into the National Honor Society. It was a nice ceremony with inspirational stories about people who do small things to make a big difference in the lives of those around them.

Christine is like that. She uses her talents to bless the lives of others. She is a good and caring friend, and serves those around her with her kind words and a smile. She is a good example to me.
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