Tears are close to the surface as Dad and I talk about Sweet Ireta. My step-mom always said, "There are no steps in my heart!" so it seems weird to call her my "step-mother."
After losing two sisters and a brother within a few months of each other, while already under a great deal of physical and emotional stress, something in Mom snapped.
-- Perhaps it was that she had to put her sister in a body bag because the people sent to do it weren't strong enough.
-- Perhaps it was the accident while returning from the funeral home that totalled the car.
-- Perhaps it was the news that her grandson had hit a tree while snow skiing, and she thought he was dead.
-- Perhaps it was the fact that she never did mourn the losses of these siblings, but held it all inside.
Only the Lord knows; and now only He can help her.
Six months ago, while still sporting a big black boot and crutches, I went to Mom Ireta's brother Manual Hastings' funeral. Ireta came over to the house briefly to see Christine, Stevo and Aubrey and the girls. It was nice.
Little did we know how things would change within only 6 months.
Mom lost about 50 pounds, lost her memory, lost her cognoscience, lost her will to live. The hard part is watching Dad's heart break.
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