Okay, so it's the new year, and I am sitting here thinking about things; you know, like you are supposed to do this time of year.
I am looking back on all of the great moments, and not-so-great moments of 2009. I am remembering the four new grandbabies, two new sons-in-law and one new daughter-in-law. I am thinking of the foreign friends we have made and how they have changed our lives. I am remembering all of our efforts to prepare the house to sell. . . (It is still for sale.) I am feeling some regrets for the lost moments which I could have lived the gospel a little better, loved my family a little deeper, and shared my heart a little more often.
Stephen Covey said we should pattern our lives after the following five areas:
Leave a Legacy.
Live ~ I plan to spend more time and effort improving my health. Yes, that means exercise, healthy eating, etc. I plan to take better care of my physical, spiritual, mental and emotional self. I want to really live!
Laugh ~ I don't usually have trouble smiling or chuckling at life's situations. Sometimes things are so rediculous that you have to laugh or cry. I usually choose to laugh. What I will try to improve is that perpetual smile that comes from being happy; inwardly cheerful. I would rather have laugh lines, than a furrowed brow from frowning.
Love ~ I feel love freely. I need to show it more often. Not only that, but I would like to be filled with the Pure Love of Christ.
Learn ~ I don't know if pursuing a B.S. Degree in Business/Marketing counts as learning. So often, I am simply "getting through the class." The things I would really like to learn are found in the scriptures. That is the topic of my true interest. I plan to study more the words of the Lord.
Leave a Legacy ~ Someday I will not be able to sing, write music, or play musical instruments. Dave and I will be recording what we can. We will be preserving memories for the future. I have more poetry and music to write! I have a legacy to leave.
Okay, So it's the new year and I'm sitting here thinking about things. . .