That's what they say. I'm not sure if they mean it as a point that it is almost always stormy on conference weekends, or if it is a slam about how heaven feels about it all.
It was wonderful to be surprised by Mike for Saturday sessions, as well as having Rob and Jewels, Robbie and David join us for Saturday evening and Sunday.
Little Robbie is walking all over and is SO cute!

Conference was good, as usual. Some of the things which struck me most were:
Wirthlin - "Come what may, and love it."
"The Lord compensates the faithful for every loss. Every tear or sorrow will be replaced with tears of joy and rejoicing."
Anderson - "Faith is not only a feeling, it's a decision."
Uchdorf - "Hope is trust that the Lord will keep his promises. Hope teaches that there is reason to rejoice when everything is falling down around us."
Hales - "Humility is a badge of Christian Courage."

The entire transcripts of the talks can be found on-line at this link:,5239,23-1-947,00.html
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