Our son, John, graduated from NYU in Corporate Law.
We are so proud of him!
This gave us an excuse to visit his wonderful family in New York
This gave us an excuse to visit his wonderful family in New York
Mia's first ride on a carousel left her
crying for more when it was through.
A lovely canoe ride in Central Park was a peaceful refuge
Mia is a whiz on the computer!
We visited Plymouth, Boston, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C.
(The Mayflower was not a very large ship for 136 people. )
Paul Revere was a dentist and a bell maker by trade.
You might recognize this scene from "National Treasure."
(We didn't find the brick with the glasses!)
We watched the "changing of the guard" at the Arlington Cemetery.
It was sobering.
We then made a swing through West Virginia and Ohio
to see Dave's mom (Dot), and sister (Nici and Mike),
then up to our daughter, Barbie and her beautiful family
The "doctors" were all ready to fix anything they could find on
Grandma Lynn and Grandpa Dave.
On our return, we were able to visit some of our church's
historical sites (Hyrum, OH; Palmyra, NY; Sacred Grove;
Kirtland, OH) and then on to romantic Niagara Falls, Canada.
We put over 2300 miles on that rental car!
Well, now we'll just have to "clown around" somewhere else
so we can share more pictures with you!
In all seriousness, our love for country, family, and those
who sacrifice for us has increased.
May yours as well.
Love, Lurlynn