It is interesting to me, how perspective can color truth
with such conviction as to seem infallible. The book by Stephen R. Covey, “The
Divine Center,” effectively discusses this principle. When my own memory seems
so clear and exact, it is sometimes difficult for me to accept that what seems so tangibly clear to me could be entirely wrong. I have been learning lately
that I need to be more humble and be willing to deny the very thing my eyes are
seeing. Not an easy thing, to be sure.
Even more difficult, is accepting that others are having the
same difficulty… that the messages I give (verbally and non-verbally) can give
an entirely different message than the one I am trying to express.
Gospel principles, scriptures, personal inspiration,
introspection, frank discussion (tempered with tenderness and love), can help…
but it is not easy. Everyone wants to be understood, to be cared for, and to
find ways to serve or expand. The challenge is to put aside our own needs and feelings
so we can try to really see things from the perspective of the other. Curiosity
should take the place of defensiveness.
My constant prayer is to help me to forgive people who hurt
me…immediately and completely… to fill my heart with love for them… to infuse
my soul with the Light of Christ… and to be forgiven for my impatience or
taking offense. I’m nowhere near perfect at this, and my heart breaks when I
face my own weaknesses and shortcomings, especially if they hurt another
I feel that when someone shares their deepest feelings, they have shared sacred ground with me… and I should treat that as holy.
I hope some of my ramblings helps you in some way. Thank you
for reading.
My heart is full of love for you.