Dad came to visit for a weekend. I'd like to think it was to see me, but I'm almost 50 now, and I think I've figured it out. I'm the frosting, but not the cake. He has been talking with a sweet lady named Dialene. She drove to Provo to witness her grandson opening his mission call. He drove up to meet her face to face. Everyone liked her. It was especially nice to have Dad cook for the kids. His enchiladas are amazing!
It was special to me that Dad joined us at church!
Poor Ari was sick, that's why she and Stevo aren't in these group pictures. He was helping her feel better.
I video taped Dad telling some of my favorite stories to the kids. I plan to transcribe them as well. No matter how many times over the years I hear the same stories, they never change. He never embellishes them. It's great to finally have them recorded.
A friend that I serve in the Temple with won a contest with a song she wrote. She asked me to sing it for her at a concert of winners. I felt the urge to enter some of my music into contests. It could be fun. There's the Composer's Guilde and the LDS Church that I can think of immediately.
I have another song in my head. It is Hebrew-sounding and based upon one of the hymns they would have used during the time of Christ. It would be a good companion to the song I wrote while sitting on a hill in 1999, early in the morning in Nazareth: "Blessed are They" from the beatitudes. I think I'll start writing music again... it's been a while.
Dave went to the hospital again this week. He's been suffering from diverticulitis for the past 9 weeks and has been through 3 rounds of double anti-biotics, a hemoroid surgery, and is now passing two kidney stones. Surgery is a real possibility for the large intestine. Not fun! I feel such empathy and compassion for him, but cannot take the pain away. He gets to experience this part of mortality for himself.
Yesterday, we had the Curtis Crew over. I helped the twins sew their Sunday tote bag kits we gave them for Christmas. Dave played chess with Matthew, and the others just played and had fun. I loved it how the girls did such a good job. They gave ME a gift that day!
Dave has been working hard on some improvements for the computer program to manage the food banks he has been helping. It's been wonderful to see how much it really helps them! I'm so proud of him for using his talents in that way.
I will be singing in the Messiah again this year, and Dave will play the timpani. I'm going to audition for a solo again. Perhaps this time the Lord will accept my gift.
I just returned from a choir practice for Temple workers in preparation for a special fireside for Temple workers and their spouses. It's alot of fun.
Michael will be returning from his mission in 30 days. I was not able to get him into SLCC because they don't allow anyone but the student themselves to do it. I could have done it on-line, but I didn't have his driver's license number. BYU SLC has a later enrollment, though, and the classes he needs. He will be able to take care of it himself with them after he gets home. All is well.
We're still trying to sell our home. Waiting for the Lord's timing teaches one patience. I look forward to the day when we sell our home, find another, move in, and I can have all of my books out and available.
We had one offer on it a couple of weeks ago, but it was too low, even though we've come down quite a bit. A realtor showed it yesterday, but we haven't heard back.
It's hard not to get my hopes up, so I am just in a holding pattern until a reasonable offer comes in. There are plenty of homes available, so we will just try to figure out what the Lord has in mind for us then.
I teach the Sunbeams/CTR class. It's great, but it wears me out! One thing I like is when the little ones shower me with love. But, I understand that even with them, I'm the frosting... not the cake.