So, Dave SAYS he hates hospitals, but he seems to visit there regularly!
Monday morning he woke up with a terrific pain in his lower left abdomen; he could hardly walk. He decided to take a hot bath and then lye down for a bit. When that didn't work, and he began to feel stroke-like symptoms in his face, taste metal in his mouth, and have chest pains, he called Doctor Fuller who told him to get to the Emergency Room!
The stroke and chest pain symptoms went away, but they did a CAT scan of his abdomen and found a couple of problems there.
Diverticulitis: an infection in a pouch created within the large intestine. There was an area about 4" long that was inflamed and infected. Oddly enough, that area also was not receiving adequate blood supply due to a clogged vessel. THUS THE PAIN!
TREATMENT: Prayers and a Priesthood blessing, antibiotics, clear diet, pain meds, rest. If that doesn't work within a few days, surgery to remove the affected area.
So far, so good. Dave is recovering at home with a heating pad on his tummy, and lots of jello!