No matter how you spell it, it tastes good on french fries and scrambled eggs!
I actually am going to try to "catch up" on all of the fun stuff of last summer.
Let's see, what happened in August?
August -
stevo and aubrey sealed with aiana
dave's high school reunion
September is a blur!
September - The first wonderful thing that happened this month is the Baptism
Sarah and Mary were baptised. We had a wonderful time with them. The Curtis' had a picnic in their back yard afterward. It was lovely.
Patrick and Nathalie came to live with us for a few weeks again this year! How wonderful it was to see them and to spend time with them!
We visited temples, did a lot of shopping, and saw some sites.
We went to the Utah State Fair and took them to a rodeo.
Then we drove to Yellowstone and then around through Logan so we could drop them off for a wedding. It was a wo
Dave's mission reunion was fun. We went to a football game and had a fireside and food. David joined us. It was funny that he looked somewhat like my David did and people could see the resemblance.
September birthday parties were fun! We celebrated Dave, Becca, Aubrey, Laura, and Francine's birthdays. We did it two times to catch different people. Nathalie made an amazing chocolate cake, French style, with chocolate mousse in the middle. YUMMM!
October - General Conference started the show of October off right!
Nathalie and I were able to go to the Relief Society General Conference. President Monson told a funny story about a woman who every day would criticize the dirtiness of the laundry her neighbor was hanging out to dry. "Doesn't she know how to clean clothes?" One morning the laundry her neighbor hung out to dry was bright and clean. She commented to her husband that her neighbor must have finally learned how to do her laundry right. He replied. "No, I just got up early this morning and cleaned the windows!" President Monson talked about judging wrongfully.
Had to say goodbye to our "Old Reliable." Took it in to get an oil change, and they FORGOT TO PUT ANY OIL BACK IN IT!!!
We got a good harvest of Concord grapes and bottled 36 quarts! YUMMM!
A wind storm lifted out trampoline over the fence! We got some of the neighbors to help us put it back!