Sunday, March 14, 2010

Chopsticks - Boogie

I've tried several times to download the video clip of Dave playing his famous chopsticks - boogie at the ward talent night, to no avail. I was able to put it on facebook, though. It's available there if you would like to see it.

It's always fun to see.

Girls, girls and more girls! Yay!!

Most of you know that both Katie and Michelle are having girls this summer. This makes 10 granddaughters, and 5 grandsons... I think the girls are winning!!!

Here's a picture of Michelle's cute baby bump.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sending off Our Last Missionary,,,

Michael left for the MTC yesterday. He will be serving in the Little Rock Arkansas (said with a thick southern accent) mission for two years... We are so excited for him!