I am just feeling grateful for all the Lord has blessed me with.
I listened to some saved messages on the phone:
1. Curtis crew wishing Dave a Happy Father's day 2 years ago.
2. Curtis crew wishing Dave a Happy Birthday this year.
3. John, Lisa and Mia wishing me a Happy Birthday and singing to me.
These are precious moments for me. I feel so welcome and loved.
Sometimes I wonder if I would still be accepted as "Grandma Lynn" if I were a widow -- God forbid. I like to think that when love is given, it is genuine. Certainly the love of children is genuine. The love of my grandchildren is genuine. My love overflows as I think of my children, step-children, and children-in-law. They are all just "my children."
I feel so blessed! My cup is overflowing!
I watched the moon rise last night over a sea of shimmering city lights. The moon was large and yellow. Breathtaking!
I feel grateful that I can see.
Today was the birthday of a co-worker. We had brownies. They were extremely rich and chocolatey.
I feel grateful that I can taste.
We worked to clear out the garage so the cars could fit inside and avoid icy snow in the winter.
I feel grateful that I can work.
I learned about a co-worker who was in a car accident, and is lying in a coma in critical condition.
I feel grateful for my good health.
Dave and I watched a movie last night called Hotel Rowanda with Don Cheadle. It was a poingnant recounting of the ethnic cleansing that went on during 1996 - 1998, and still continues to some extent today. It was extremely disturbing because I had no idea this was going on. It was aweful!
I feel grateful for my freedoms and my life circumstance.
This weekend it will be cold again, and perhaps snow again.
I feel grateful for warm clothing and shoes, a warm house, and cars that work.
I sometimes look at David, his cute dimple, his soft blue eyes. I see his generous and tender heart reach out to others. I see him caring for and about me.
I feel grateful to be loved.
Most of all, I feel grateful for my Savior. Words cannot express the adoration I feel for Him. I testify that He lives and loves us. I know He knows me intimately, and loves me without bounds anyway! My relationship with Him is prized above all other gifts I am thankful for. He is the way, the truth, and the life. He is my all and in all.
I feel grateful for this knowledge, for the faith and hope it gives me, and for the peace amidst tribulation, the calm during the storm, and the hope through trials that sustain me.
I just feel grateful. . .