A fabulous thunderstorm swept through the valley today. AWESOME!
Here's a poem I wrote in 1980 about storms in life:
A Humble Child, PreparedIsn't it stirring that the wind ushers in the storms of our lives as it does in nature?The bending, swaying branches
Seem to sigh and cry
As the long awaited
Thirst-quenching rainfall nears.
Oh how wonderfully clean
And refreshing the sensation!
Smell the filtered air -
All dirt now removed.
All things are prepared to receive
Rhythmic welcome gifts
Falling from far above -
Like fairy spirits, catching and
Reflecting light.
Their journey completes this portion
Of an eternal round.
They give to their fullest
And satisfy the soul;
Parched, arid, weather-worn.
The extacy of renewal and rebirth
Is more than a baptism to the soul.
It is the needed daily rain
That feeds upward growth.
Roots grow deeper day by day,
Stretching, growing strong
To weather future storms
Until, at last,
Another season of harvest
For the just and pure.
Enduring and fervent we look to the day
When Christ Jesus, our Master, will say,
"Well done, my child, you've passed the test.
Come join now in our Father's rest."