Saturday, December 3, 2011

Jello Anyone?

So, Dave SAYS he hates hospitals, but he seems to visit there regularly!
Monday morning he woke up with a terrific pain in his lower left abdomen; he could hardly walk. He decided to take a hot bath and then lye down for a bit. When that didn't work, and he began to feel stroke-like symptoms in his face, taste metal in his mouth, and have chest pains, he called Doctor Fuller who told him to get to the Emergency Room!

The stroke and chest pain symptoms went away, but they did a CAT scan of his abdomen and found a couple of problems there.
Diverticulitis: an infection in a pouch created within the large intestine. There was an area about 4" long that was inflamed and infected. Oddly enough, that area also was not receiving adequate blood supply due to a clogged vessel. THUS THE PAIN!
TREATMENT: Prayers and a Priesthood blessing, antibiotics, clear diet, pain meds, rest. If that doesn't work within a few days, surgery to remove the affected area.
So far, so good. Dave is recovering at home with a heating pad on his tummy, and lots of jello!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

11.11.11 Veteran's Day

We had a fun 11.11.11 Veteran's Day party with some friends.
Lots of laughing, and really bad-for-you food!
I made a little slide show video tribute.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Lovely Goblins at My Door!

What fun we had for Halloween this year!
A costume party for the grandchildren!
It was a lot of work, but well worth it!

We played games...

Had a chili cookoff, cookie decorating, candy necklace making, silhouettes, and just had a lot of fun!

Then, Mia and Norah visited us on Halloween for a special treat!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Callico Mountains

Orange flames coupled with bright sunny yellow.
Evergreen contrasts the rim.
Setting rays from the west adding crimson,
Dramatic skyline sketches heaven's grin.

Stunning temperatures conflicting;
Hot on one side, cold, the reverse.
A morning mist slides heavily down the slopes
Moist heavy air depositing.

Short-lived season of wonder,
Magical transformation to be sure.
Promise of approaching winter splendor
And following seasons fresh and pure.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Not My Doggie!

I happened to look at the blinking light on our phone that signifies waiting messages. I was confused when I heard a police officer asking David to come out of the house and threatening that it is against the law to not respond to a police officer!
I retreived the phone number and called the officer back. It was a woman this time, and she insisted that we had a large dog that we would not put on a leash, that David or our son, refused to give her our address information, and that she would be right over.
It was all a misunderstanding, of course. We had been at church and that's why we didn't answer the door when she was knocking on it. She had the wrong address.
By entering our back yard, she was able to determine which house it was, and went to discuss things with the correct family.

It left me thinking, though. I am glad that I can be found doing the right things at the right times.

After church, we stopped by a neighbor's house with flowers, card and balloon in hands. Last night, I had noticed a fire truck parked in front of their house. Dave and I went over there to find Frank's wife being taken care of by paramedics. She had fallen down the stairs and knocked herself out as she hit her chin. She was out cold when he found her. Frank was a nervous wreck. She was in a lot of pain, and he was so worried. Dave drove him to the hospital as I followed in our car.
Thank the Lord; Kate will be alright, nothing is broken.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Body Language

I just watched a very interesting program about body language. They took clips from public interviews with politicians, criminals, and others. They also recorded and digitalized micro-expressions to create thousands of examples to study.
Body language includes the posture, movements, facial tension and expression, vocal pitch and rhythm, eye movement, and a myriad of other factors. I found it to be very interesting.

Then, as I often do, I tried to think of a way that this principle relates to a spiritual truth.

Since the eyes are the windows to the soul, I have always understood the connection between the two, but when you now add the entire bodily package, you get a more plush understanding.

The body demonstrates or communicates thoughts and feelings from within. It reveals its secrets outwardly.

Interestingly enough, our actions are outward signs of inward conviction, strength, faith, love, belief, or desire.

Some say it is a right brain / left brain struggle and that the physical side of our intellect adheres itself to the left brain, while the spiritual side of our intellect finds favor and freedom when the right side is dominating. There could be some truth to this. Emotions and the dream state seem to be connected to the spiritual side. Also it is difficult to understand spiritual concepts when we intellectualize them with our mere mortal understanding.

It is during those times when I see or sense things beyond the physical, that I feel the most alive. I love the feelings of enlightenment and expansion! I will try to notice times when my outward actions, or body languange, can communicate the good things I feel within and share that with others.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Just What I Needed to Hear!

Every spring and every fall I find myself glued to a TV screen listening intently with my ears and with my soul for instruction... What is the "To Do List" the Lord has for me for the next 6 months?

It is also a time for me to practice the principle of "Return and Report" about how things went with my previous list...

My personal instructions and messages are just that, personal; but here are a few gems and inspirational tidbits I enjoyed that I thought I'd share:

Str. Thompson - I didn't keep my testimony during those difficult times, my testimony kept me.

Jose' Alonso - Service... do the right thing at the right time without delay.

Boyd K. Packer -- Take the advice from an old crow... The youth are being raised in enemy territory. Listen to the voice of the Spirit and you will not be led astray.

Pres. Uchtdorf -- Compared to God we are nothing, but to God we are everything!

He... the most powerful being in the universe is your Father. He sees you as who and what you can and will become with His help.

Always retain in your rememberance His work and glory.

Niel A. Anderson -- Motherhood is not a hobby, it is a calling.

Ian S. Arden -- Time is never for sale, but has immeasurable value.

I say, "Time is the great equalizer!"

Carl B. cook -- Look up to God and live! Releasing burdens to Christ is like releasing a hellium balloon... Feel the joy!

Todd Christofferson -- Not only abandon sin, but commit to obedience. Repentance requires the burning of bridges in every direction except the one true path.

Pres. Eyring - Drink often and deeply from the pages of the Book of Mormon.

Robert D. Hales - Wait upon the Lord through tests and trials.

Tad Callister - The Book of Mormon re-enthrones the revelatory nature of God.

Elaine Dalton - Be a guardian of virtue.

Russell M. Nelson - Children of the Covenant
Dallin H. Oaks - What Think Ye of Christ?
Randall K. Bennett - The Gift of Choice

You can't make eternal choices without there being eternal consequences.

Pres. Monson - Keep the gospel at our cores, and the love of the Savior in our hearts.

Promise that as communicate daily with Father, He will answer.
Heavenly Father is mindful of each of us.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Tender Mercies Abound... As Usual

Mom Ireta has gone home. She left us on Thursday, Aug 11, 2011.
Tender Mercy #1 - Dad got to see her that morning. He had taken some fresh fruit for her to enjoy.
Tender Mercy #2 - Two days earlier, Tuesday, was a good day. Ireta knew who she was, where she was, and what was going on. It was a lucid day. She and Dad had a nice talk about things. She made sure he knew where here Temple clothes were so she could be buried in them. She talked with several of us on the phone.
Tender Mercy #3 - That day, she told Dad that when he missed her, he could just hug her pillow... We thought this pillow was lost... Although it was just a pillow, it was HER pillow, and she had said this to my dad, so it had more meaning than ever... We found it in the center's laundry. It was a special moment.
Tender Mercy #4 - Finances are tight, cash-flow is almost non-existant. The Lord timed things so as to just avoid this additional stress by one day.
Tender Mercy #5 - Several daughters and some grandchildren had the opportunity to visit with her before she left.
Tender Mercy #6 - I was able to leave my job for most of July in order to help Mom and Dad during those difficult times before the very end. I gathered pictures and stories. I helped with the physical needs and eased some of the emotional burden during that time.
Tender Mercy #7 - Mom only had one day of discomfort. Although she had cancer somewhere in her body that then mastatized and landed in her brain, she never felt pain or discomfort except for the day before she died; she said her stomach hurt. What a blessing that she didn't suffer!

I could go on and on... I am so thankful! What a joy she has been in my life and in the lives of others I love!
What an example she was to me of helping others feel loved!
She was never stingy with a compliment, and took every opportunity to express her love!
Healthy at the beginning of 2011... Then, 6 months later...

July 2011

Her resurrected loveliness...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sleepless in New Mexico

Tears are close to the surface as Dad and I talk about Sweet Ireta. My step-mom always said, "There are no steps in my heart!" so it seems weird to call her my "step-mother."
After losing two sisters and a brother within a few months of each other, while already under a great deal of physical and emotional stress, something in Mom snapped.
-- Perhaps it was that she had to put her sister in a body bag because the people sent to do it weren't strong enough.
-- Perhaps it was the accident while returning from the funeral home that totalled the car.
-- Perhaps it was the news that her grandson had hit a tree while snow skiing, and she thought he was dead.
-- Perhaps it was the fact that she never did mourn the losses of these siblings, but held it all inside.

Only the Lord knows; and now only He can help her.

Six months ago, while still sporting a big black boot and crutches, I went to Mom Ireta's brother Manual Hastings' funeral. Ireta came over to the house briefly to see Christine, Stevo and Aubrey and the girls. It was nice.
Little did we know how things would change within only 6 months.

Mom lost about 50 pounds, lost her memory, lost her cognoscience, lost her will to live. The hard part is watching Dad's heart break.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A New Year, A New Outlook, A New Me!

In redefining myself, I have to look at not who I am inside, but how I manifest that by my actions.

My definition of myself has changed many times throughout the different phases of my life.

There are some things, however, that have remained constant. These are my core values and characteristics.

Throughout each phase, I try to make evident these values and characteristics. Everything else is just fluff.

Some of these things include: faithful, humble, gentle, kind, thoughtful, generous, and loving.

All of the other goals I set are simply ways I am trying to improve myself. The most important goals I can make, however, are those that add to my core. These can only be done with the help of the Lord. Spiritually cleansing the inner vessel and concuring pride.

I love those two talks by President Benson in 1986 and 1989. They have impacted me tremendously all of these many years.

That is my New Year's resolution: to scrub my soul according to the definitions of pride as found in those words of the prophet.

Sure, I'm going to exercise more, organize my efforts, and work on genealogy and music projects. I plan to study the scriptures more and keep up with my personal history projects.

There you go, in a nutshell.

Since I'm actually an extroverted introvert, I know I can do this. It's easy! (ha ha)